It all starts in our Hometowne
Beginning as close friends in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, we connected over our shared passion for music. We reunited years later in Music City and realized that even apart, we had grown similarly, still pursuing careers in music and prioritizing family values. In 2023, Hometowne Music Group was born out of a desire to reintroduce wholesome, tasteful messages and sounds to the landscape of contemporary music. And now we're just flying down freedom way!
Meet the Team

Meet Our Founder
Carole Frey's career began in accounting and finance at companies including Booz, Allen & Hamilton, and Chubb Insurance. As different career paths presented themselves, Carole moved into music performance and education with an emphasis on Christian music. She especially focused her efforts on working with children.
Carole's passion for mentoring has evolved into collaborating with some of the brightest students who have crossed her path over the years. This is how Hometowne Music Group came about - a truly inspired and blessed endeavor!
To hear more music, email us at hometownemusicgroup@gmail.com